About Me.
Namaste and Much Happiness
Hi! I am Preetibala. I am a Feng Shui Design Consultant, Spiritual Guru and a Life Coach. With over 20 years practicing FengShui, I have an intuitive connection with any space, a passion for design and a spiritual philosophy of life. I have worked with clients from all over the world and have helped them to transform their lives into their dream lives. I am passionate about bringing harmony and balance in my clients lives with the help of sometimes simple and sometimes complex FengShui principles. With the creative use of FengShui in today’s modern world, I am able to integrate the ancient philosophy of FengShui with a contemporary thought process. When FengShui becomes a way of life, your way of living will change and you will be able to harness the incredible energies of your space to live a beautiful life. A desire to genuinely help people make their lives and homes beautiful and share my knowledge is what makes me passionate about everything FengShui.